Jumat, 23 April 2010

Routing and routing protocols

Routing is the process whereby a router to forward packets to the destination network. A router makes decisions based on the IP address that is addressed by the package. All routers use the destination IP address to send packets. In order routing decisions are correct, the router must learn how to achieve goals. When routers use dynamic routing, information learned from other routers. When using static routing, a network administrator to configure the information on the network you want to target manually.

If static routing is used, then the configuration must be performed manually, the network administrator must insert or remove a static route in case of topology changes. On a large scale network, if still using static routing, it will be a huge waste of time network administrators to update its routing table. Therefore, static routing is only possible for small-scale networks. While the bias is applied in dynamic routing of large scale network and requires more skills than administrators.

The workings of static routing can be divided into 3 parts:
- The network administrator configure the router
- Routers perform routing based on information in routing tables
- Static Routing is used to pass data packets

Sometimes the static routing is used for backup purposes. Static routing can be configured in the router that will only be used when dynamic routing failure. To use static routing as a backup, should be setting the administrative distance to a value greater than the dynamic routing protocol used.

Default routing is used to route packets with a destination that is not the same as the existing routing in the routing table. Typically a router is configured with the default routing for Internet traffic.

Routing protocol is different from the routed protocol. Routing protocol is the communication between the routers. Routing protocols allow routers to share information about networks and connections between routers. Routers use this information to build and repair the routing tables.

Routed protocol is used to direct user traffic. Routed protocol provides enough information in its network layer address to pass the package to be forwarded from host to host one another based on address.

U.S. is a collection of networks in a single administration that have a common routing strategy. U.S. may be executed by one or more operators when the U.S. used in routing to the outside world.
American Registry of Internet Numbers (ARIN) is a service provider or an administrator that provides identification numbers to the U.S. for 16-bit. The routing protocols such as Cisco's IGRP requires the U.S. numbers (AS number) that are unique.

The main goal of routing protocols is to build and improve the routing table. Where this table contains network-related networks and interface with the network. These routers use routing protocols to manage information received from other routers and interface respectively, as happened in the routing configuration manually.
Routing protocols to study all existing router, put the best route to the routing table, and also remove the route when the route is not valid anymore. Routers use the information in the routing table to pass the routed packets prokol.
Routing algorithm is the basis of dynamic routing. Whenever the network topology changes due to network development, reconfiguration, or there are problems in the network, the router will know the changes. This basic knowledge needed to accurately view the new topology.
At the moment all the routers in the network have the same knowledge of all means can be said internetwork in a state of convergence (converged). The situation is expected to converge very fast because it can reduce the time at which the router continue to take routing decisions that are not true.

Distance vector routing algorithm periodically copying the routing table from router to router. Changes in the routing table is updated between routers that are interconnected in the event of topology changes. Distance vector algorithm also called Bellman-Ford algorithm.

Link-state algorithm is also known as Dijkstra's algorithm or algorithms shortest path first (SPF). These algorithms improve the information database of topology information. Distance vector algorithm has nonspecific information about distance network and the router does not know the distance. While the link-state algorithms to improve knowledge of the distance the router and how they inter-connections.

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