Jumat, 23 April 2010

WAN and Router

Wide Area Network (WAN) is a data communications network that connects users in a network that is in a large geographic area. WAN has several important characteristics that differentiate it from the LAN. In the first lesson in this module will discuss the introduction of WAN technologies and protocols. And will also explain how the similarities and differences between the WAN and LAN.

It is very important to understand the physical layer components in a router. This knowledge base will add the information and capabilities that will be required to configure the router and set the routing network. This module also describes the technique of the physical connection of the various interfaces.

WAN is a data communications network, spread on a large geographic area like a province or country. WAN always uses transmission facilities provided by telecommunications companies such as telephone service company.

Characteristics of WAN:
- Connect the equipment spread over a wide geographic area
- Using public service channels.
- Using the serial connections to access bandwidth across these geographic areas.

WAN different from the LAN. Unlike LAN-connected workstations workstations, equipment, terminals and other devices find in a building, WAN connecting the data in a wide geographic area. Companies that use the WAN can connect between headquarters and branch offices located in distant places.

A WAN operates at the physical layer and data link layer of the OSI layers. WAN connects LANs within a broad geographic area. WAN capable pertukakaran and frame data packets between the routers and switches.

Router is a special computer, the router has the basic components in common with the PC desktop, the router has a CPU, memory, system bus, and many interface input / output. Routers are designed to perform specific tasks that are not owned by the PC desktop. Example, the router connects and allows communication between two networks and determines the data path through the network connection.

Same with the PC, the router operating system requires to perform its function, namely Internetwork operating system (IOS) software to run its configuration files. These configuration files contain the commands and parameters that control the flow of traffic in and out of the router. Routers use routing protocols to determine the best path.

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