Timestamping Messages
When the router displays log or debug messages, it defaults to showing you how long the router had been up when the event occurred. Many times, it is more helpful instead to know the date and time when the event occurred. The command for this is service timestamps [log | debug] datetime localtime in global configuration mode. If you use this mode of logging, you should set the clock and date as shown in the next section.
00:39:40: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
Router(config)#service timestamps log datetime localtime
Mar 2 15:47:04: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
Setting the Clock and Time Zone
You can set the clock on the router with the privileged mode command: clock set . When issuing this command, you must use the actual name of the month, not its number.
You may also want to set the time zone and daylight savings time adjustments. This is done in global configuration mode. The commands are: clock timezone , and clock summer-time recurring.
Router#clock set 3:42:00 2 MARCH 2004
Router#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)#clock timezone EST –5
Router(config)#clock summer-time EDT recurring
Router#show clock
16:02:18.331 EST Tue Mar 2 2004
Displaying an Interface Config
Do you ever have times when all you want to see is the configuration for just one interface? But if you display the whole running configuration, you have to press the spacebar several times to get down to the one specific interface you want to see. Well, the “show run” command can be modified in several different ways (see later section). To quickly display only the configuration for a specific interface, use that interface designation as the modifier.
Router#show run interface s8
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 96 bytes
interface Serial8
bandwidth 115
ip address
clock rate 115200
Erasing an Interface Config
When you need to change the configuration of an interface, you typically have to remove the unwanted parts of the existing configuration line by line by putting a “no” in front of each line. If you have a lot of changes, or if you need to completely redo the configuration, it’s faster to just reset the interface to its original, default configuration. This removes all existing commands and shuts down the interface. Use the command default interface.
interface Serial1/0
no ip address
encapsulation frame-relay
clock rate 800000
frame-relay intf-type dce
frame-relay route 102 interface Serial2 201
frame-relay route 103 interface Serial3 301
Router(config)#default interface s1
Building configuration...
Interface Serial1 set to default configuration
*Feb 28 19:04:56: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Serial1, changed state
to down
Router#show run interface s1/0
interface Serial1
no ip address
When the router displays log or debug messages, it defaults to showing you how long the router had been up when the event occurred. Many times, it is more helpful instead to know the date and time when the event occurred. The command for this is service timestamps [log | debug] datetime localtime in global configuration mode. If you use this mode of logging, you should set the clock and date as shown in the next section.
00:39:40: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
Router(config)#service timestamps log datetime localtime
Mar 2 15:47:04: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
Setting the Clock and Time Zone
You can set the clock on the router with the privileged mode command: clock set
You may also want to set the time zone and daylight savings time adjustments. This is done in global configuration mode. The commands are: clock timezone
Router#clock set 3:42:00 2 MARCH 2004
Router#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)#clock timezone EST –5
Router(config)#clock summer-time EDT recurring
Router#show clock
16:02:18.331 EST Tue Mar 2 2004
Displaying an Interface Config
Do you ever have times when all you want to see is the configuration for just one interface? But if you display the whole running configuration, you have to press the spacebar several times to get down to the one specific interface you want to see. Well, the “show run” command can be modified in several different ways (see later section). To quickly display only the configuration for a specific interface, use that interface designation as the modifier.
Router#show run interface s8
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 96 bytes
interface Serial8
bandwidth 115
ip address
clock rate 115200
Erasing an Interface Config
When you need to change the configuration of an interface, you typically have to remove the unwanted parts of the existing configuration line by line by putting a “no” in front of each line. If you have a lot of changes, or if you need to completely redo the configuration, it’s faster to just reset the interface to its original, default configuration. This removes all existing commands and shuts down the interface. Use the command default interface
interface Serial1/0
no ip address
encapsulation frame-relay
clock rate 800000
frame-relay intf-type dce
frame-relay route 102 interface Serial2 201
frame-relay route 103 interface Serial3 301
Router(config)#default interface s1
Building configuration...
Interface Serial1 set to default configuration
*Feb 28 19:04:56: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Serial1, changed state
to down
Router#show run interface s1/0
interface Serial1
no ip address
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